International Cookout and Giveaway
Helping new international students for over 20 years!
Imagine moving to a different country and all you have is what is in your suitcase. Incoming students from around the world have little with which to set up a new household. We want to help these students in their time of need and let them know they have friends here in Iowa City! We count it a privilege to welcome students, not just with our words, but also with our actions.
"As we have therefore opportunity,
let us DO GOOD UNTO ALL MEN, especially unto them who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10 |
New Students If you are a new international student and would like to receive items from our GiveAway, you must come to the GiveAway event in August. See our "Activities" tab for the GiveAway date and time this year. There will also be more information provided to you at New Student Orientation about our program. We can give you a ride to the church, allow you to select helpful household items, give you a ride back to your home! If you have questions about this program please contact Faith Baptist Church.
Would you like to contribute? The GiveAway helps students from around the world by giving them good used household items such as lamps, towels, clothes baskets/hampers, linens or kitchen items. We accept donations from April to August each year. If you would like to donate items to the GiveAway please contact Faith Baptist Church.